
Joe G

"Wonderful course - well structured and presented."

Marlyn K

"Bernie Smith is one of the best presenters I've listened to. He was organized, created useful dashboards, and an outstanding teacher. He kept my attention throughout."

Gregory P

"Bernie did a good job to walk through the step to create dashboards"

John L


Amy K - x

"VERY good class. The speaker is one of the best I've seen. It was very easy to follow and it was interesting. Loved the use of visuals and examples. GREAT class! Thank you!"

Rhonda G

"Very helpful and a good reminder of the importance of consistent layouts and keeping the dashboard uncluttered. "

Hilda A

"One of the best presentations and incredibly useful. Thank you very much. "

Christopher L

"Outstanding - always reassuring to see an expert at work."

Kent F

"Great course"

Jan F

"His presentation was amazing!"